Beseitigen abschütteln In nur wenigen Schritten verursacht folgenden Fehler
0x000000B9, 0xf0818 CBS_E_IDENTITY_MISMATCH container package points to a package manifest whose identity doesn't match the identity specified, 0xC0000221, 0xf0823 CBS_E_NEW_SERVICING_STACK_REQUIRED Package needs a newer version of the servicing stack., Error 0xC1900208 - 1047526904, 0xf0802 CBS_S_ALREADY_EXISTS source already exists, now copy not added, 0x80244018 WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN Same as HTTP status 403 - server understood the request, but declined to fulfill it., 0x0000010D, 0x80240028 WU_E_UNINSTALL_NOT_ALLOWED The update could not be uninstalled because the request did not originate from a WSUS server., 0x00000060, 0x8024801C WU_E_DS_RESETREQUIRED The data store requires a session reset; release the session and retry with a new session., 0x0000002B, 0x80240042 WU_E_UNKNOWN_SERVICE The update service is no longer registered with AU., 0x80245003 WU_E_REDIRECTOR_ID_SMALLER The redirectorId in the downloaded redirector cab is less than in the cached cab.